Important Information on Malawi, the Warm Heart of Africa

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Malawi is a country found in sub Saharan Africa. It shares borders with Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania. Malawi is a small landlocked country; the route to the Indian Ocean is through Mozambique. Despite the small geographical size,Malawi is one of the most populated counties in Africa. Its people are warm and welcome. In this post I will   share with you some information on Malawi.

Current President: Prof. Arthur Peter Muthalika

Names of other presidents that ruled Malawi

-. Hastings Kamuzu Banda- the founding president of Malawi

-Bakili Muluzi- First elected democratic president of Malawi

-Dr Bingu Wa Muthalika – Second elected democratic president of Malawi

Joyce Banda –the first female president.

Economy: The economy of Malawi is predominately agriculture based. Agriculture contributes about one-third of GDP. 80% of farmers leave in rural areas. Major cash crops in Malawi are Tea, Tobacco, cotton, macadamia nuts, sugarcane, and legumes. Majority of the people in rural areas in Malawi are subsistence farmers.

What do you call people from Malawi?

We call people from Malawi, Malawians.

What does Malawi mean?

Malawi means fire flames


Branches of the Malawi government

Malawi has three branches of government. The three branches are the executive which includes the president and the ministers. The executive branch makes government policies. Then we have the Judiciary which includes Judges and other legal experts. The judiciary is responsible for the interpretation of laws of Malawi and makes sure the rule of law is maintained.    Another branch of government is the legislature. This comprises of members of the national assembly (MPs) from all political constituents. They are responsible to make laws of the country.

Lilongwe Malawi the capital city of Malawi

Lilongwe is the capital city of Malawi. It has a population of over 1.2 million people. It is home for many government offices. During the colonial rule Zomba was the capital city, but later it was moved to Lilongwe in the central region.

What are Malawi major cities?

There are four major cities in Malawi. We have Lilongwe which is the capital city of Malawi while Blantyre is its commercial city. The other city we have in Malawi is Mzuzu which is the fastest growing city. And the fourth city is Zomba-the old capital city which is found in the southern region.

Education in Malawi

Free primary  education is offered for all pupils in all government schools. And education in primary schools is compulsory. Students pay tuition fee in secondary and tertiary institutions. Students from rich families have more access to tertiary education than students from poor families.

What language is spoken in Malawi?

People in Malawi speak several languages. There are more than ten different languages spoken among ethnic groups in Malawi. The most popular language in Malawi is Chichewa, mostly spoken by people in the central region. Yao language is popular among you tribe. In the northern region Tumbuka is common language. English is the official langue. The official language is taught and is the medium of learning in Malawi schools.

Malawi Life expectancy

Life expectancy in Malawi is relatively short. Many people die due to high prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS. Life expectancy for Males is 59.2 years and 63.2 for women.

What is the population of Malawi?

Malawi is a small densely populated country.  Population of Malawi is increasing. There are 18.3 million people. Population growth rate is 3.3%. Malawi population is expected to double by 2050.

Fertility rate: 5.5 children born per woman

Death rate 

Death rate is 7.9 deaths/1000 population


The Malawi kwacha (MK) is the currency for Malawi.

Malawi Religion (Malawi Country Profile continues)

Malawi is a God fearing Nation. Many people believe in the existence of God. Christianity is the most popular region followed by Islam.  The percentage of atheists in Malawi is very small. In cities there are many Christian churches than in rural areas.

Type of government

Presidential republic

The president, members of parliament and local councilors are elected every four years during general elections.

How big is Malawi? (Area)

Total area      : 188484 sq Km

80% is Land  : 94080 sq Km

20% is water : 24404 sq Km

Where is Malawi located in the world?

Malawi is in southern Africa. It is found on the Map sharing borders with Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique.

What are the border countries of Malawi?

Malawi share borders with three countries. These countries are Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania. There are a lot of trade inter trade opportunities between Malawi and its neighboring countries.

Malawi Independence Day:  Malawians celebrate Independence Day holiday every year on 06 July. The country obtained its independence from the British on 06 July, 1964.

Political Parties in Malawi

There are over thirty political parties in Malawi. Most of these political parties are only active during political campaigns when general elections are near. A recent study reports that many Malawians have lost trust in political readers.  Below are some of the political parties in Malawi that have representatives in the Malawi National Assembly.

-Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) (the ruling party)

-Malawi congress Party (MCP) (Main opposition party)

-United Democratic Front (UDF)

-People’s Party (PP)

-Alliance for Democracy (AFORD)

National Anthem: Mulungu Dalitsani Malawi (Oh God Bless our land of Malawi). Malawians sing the national anthem during public gatherings such as government rallies and in schools.

Time in Malawi

Have you ever heard that people in Africa don’t run? This is how we can describe Malawians as far as observing time is concerned. Usually most people do not observe time in Malawi for appointments and meetings. It is common for people to come late for events and appointments.

What are the natural resources found in Malawi?

Uranium deposits, bauxite, coal, national parks, Lake Malawi, limestone and arable land. Malawi is a beautiful country which has unique tourism hotspots. CNN constantly ranks Malawi as one of the top countries to visit in the world.

Districts in Malawi: Malawi has three regions and twenty-eight districts. All districts are under the ministry of local government.

Districts in the central region         : Lilongwe, Dowa, Dedza, Mchinji, Ntcheu, Nkhotakota, Ntchisi, Salima,

Northern region      : Mzimba, Nkhatabay, Rumphi, Likoma, Karonga,Chitipa

Southern region     : Blantyre,Zomba, Machinga,  Balaka, Mwnaza, Neno,

Mulanje,     Mangochi, Phalombe, Thyolo, Nsanje

 Read also: Meaning of the Malawi flag

What do people eat in Malawi?

Malawi traditional foods recipes are common in most homes. Nsima is the stable food made from corn flour. Many Malawians serve Nsima during main meals at least twice, during launch and supper. People eat nsima with relish; fish, beans, beef, chicken and vegetable are common.

Malawi tourism

Malawi has several beautiful areas which are good for tourism activities. Tourism in Malawi has the potential to boost the economy.  Areas of tourists’ importance in Malawi are Mulanje Mountain, Lake Malawi, Liwonde national park, and Karonga cultural and museum Centre.

Is it safe to travel to Malawi?

Yes. It is safe to travel to Malawi.  Malawi is one of the most peaceful countries in the world. And Malawians are friendly people. As such it is safe to travel to Malawi with family or as a solo traveler.

Why Malawi is warm heart of Africa?

Malawi is the warm heart of Africa because Malawi people are friendly and peaceful to everyone including to people from other countries.

Malawi Cultural traditions

Malawi traditions slightly vary among the different groups. Most Malawi traditions are similar to each other. Chiefs or traditional leaders are the custodians of Malawi culture. They make sure that people in the villages follow Malawi traditions passed from their ancestors. Malawi traditions encourage traditional dressing. Shaking hands with visitors is another part of Malawi tradition. A handshake is a sigh of love. There are some harmful traditional practices in Malawi as fisi (hyena man) which the government and other stakeholders want to abolish.

Malawi flag meaning

The Malawi flag has three colored stripes; red, black and green.  Red color stands for the blood people shed during fights for independence, green is for the green vegetation and black is for the dominant black race. At the middle of the flag is a half sun symbolizing the dawn of development.

What’s Malawi zip code?

Malawi does not have zip codes.

How do I call Malawi?

Malawi country code is +265. People can use the code +265 to call to Malawi or to any country in the world from Malawi.

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