Malawi University of Science and Technology [MUST] 2017/2018 Intake List Out

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Must University (Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) 2017/2018 Selection List 

Must University Background

NCHE has released a list of names for students to start studying at MUST University. The list of names is available in downloadable PDF. Must is the fourth public university which opened its doors in 2014.   The other public universities are University of Malawi, Mzuzu University, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resource.

See also Top Universities in Malawi

Malawi University of science and technology has five schools.

There are 1300 students enrolled at Must University. The University has a total student capacity of 3000 students. Malawi University of Science and Technology employs  220 stuff members.

Must University Qualifications

MUST offers undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. Bachelors and honors degrees at MUST take between four to five years to complete. Undergraduate courses at MUST include the following: Engineering, Medical microbiology, Business information technology, Computer systems and security, Geo-information science and disaster risk management. At MUST they also offer two masters degree programs.

Accommodation and meals at MUST University

All students at MUST are selected on non-residential basis. On campus accommodation is randomly allocated to students on first come first serve basis. However, priority is given to students with special needs or disabilities. Students who fail to find on – campus accommodation are free to rent private hostels around the campus. Students at MUST can find food at the university cafeteria or in surrounding restaurants.   

MUST is found in Thyolo district 30km away from the Limbe township in Blantyre.

The Malawi University of science and technology has released a list of names of students selected to pursue different programmes. The 2017/2018 intake students are all self sponsored and on non-residential basis.  

More than 400 students selected are to start their studies at MUST this year. The opening date will be announced. To check your name or downloaded the full list click here Download Must Selection List in PDF

The Following Departments exist at MUST University

  • Engineering
  • Earth sciences
  • Biological sciences
  • Applied studies
  • Water resource management
  • Climate sciences
  • Energy resource management
  • Computer science and information technology

MUST University has five schools. Some of the schools are the Bingu school of African culture and heritage, Malawi Institute of technology, and Ndata School of climate and earth sciences. Malawi University of science and technology was an initiative of former president Professor Bingu wa Muthalika. The Chinese government provided the funding for construction of MUST.

Visit MUST Website for more

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