Shepherd Bushiri Biography: He is a Malawian religious leader and business person. Bushiri is the founder of the Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG) and the prophetic channel. If you are searching for Prophet Shepherd Bushiri biography information this post is yours to read to the end. His church members commonly call him Major 1, a title that suggest that he is not a minor prophet.
Bushiri Biography: (Questions and Answers)
- Where is Bushiri now? Right now he lives in his home country, Malawi
- How old is Prophet Bushiri? He is 40 years old. His date of birth is 20 February, 1983
- How rich is prophet Shepherd Bushiri? Some media reports indicates Bushiri is one of the richest people in Malawi. These reports are supported with income intensive projects he is doing in his country such as building his city, Goshen city in mangochi and many humanitarian activities he does. He has helped people with food and also offers tuition bursaries to high school and university students in Malawi. However, Bushiri net worth is not yet known.
- What does Bushiri do for a living? He preaches to his church members, and run his business investments. It is in the news that one of his income sources is that he has a mining company. He has investments in South Africa, Botswana, Mauritius, Dubai and other countries in Africa.

Shepherd Bushiri Family and Education
Shepherd Bushiri is a Son of Huxley and Cristina Bushiri. He is the fourth born in a family of six children, he was born in Ntcheu district. Bushiri’s wife is Mary Zgambo. The two got married to on 31 July in 2011. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wedding took place at Mzuzu stadium.One of his brothers is Rev. Otis Bushiri
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Education
He went to Moyale secondary school in Mzuzu. Holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Therapon UniversityProphet Shepherd Bushiri’s live broadcast on the prophetic channel for international views
The prophet is without honor in his country
Bushiri has more investments in other countries than in his home country, Malawi. During a radio interview, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri said that in his country he has 50% of people who love him and 50% of the population who dislike him. This, he said, implied that Malawi is not a safe place for his investment. He also said that he has fewer investments in Malawi because in Malawi does not have the technology to support his business needs.
Birth Mysteries
The prophet narrates that his birth was mysterious. Bushiri’s mother refused to accept doctors’ recommendations to have a cesarean birth. Instead, she insisted her child would be born in the normal way. Doctors abandoned the mother, and the expected child waiting for them to die. However, when they come back later into the room, they found the mother has given birth normally. It is when Christina Bushiri praised God. She said “My God is my Shepherd”; hence, they named him Shepherd Bushiri
Prophetic Utterances
From the tender age of five years, strange things started happening to Bushiri. It is said that glorious light shined in Bushiri’s room. The light amazed his parents and strange occurrences happened. When he was eight years old, the prophet met with God. A man who looked like Jesus gave a small bible to Shepherd Bushiri and told him was to swallow it. From that time, he started revealing hidden things to parents and people around.
At nine, God told Shepherd Bushiri that he has been called to be a prophet. Bushiri followers acknowledge the prophecies are accurate and precise.
Humanitarian activities:
Shepherd Bushiri helped needy people with relief food in Malawi and education scholarships under a project called Project Hope.
Prophetic channel: Prophetic Channel is a satellite TV through which ECG reaches to millions of people across the global
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Ministries: The Beginning
In 2009, Prophet Bushiri founded the Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG) under a tree in Mzuzu city. The church then moved to Pretoria, South Africa. His congregation drastically increased in the years after the Church headquarters moved from Malawi to South Africa. In South Africa, the ECG has over 150 000 members while in Malawi there are over 50 000 followers. The ECG church has branches in Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, and other places.
December 31 2015: Cross over crusade
During the cross over crusade in 2015, Bushiri filled the largest FNB Stadium in Africa. Records have it Pastor Chris of Love World Ministries once filled that FNB. The crusade, which was also called “Lion of Judah” had over 100 000 followers gathered from across the globe.
Further information from official website
mostough victor
i read your biography major 1 and i just got uplifted …surely God is never silent …….
Truphena Magoma
you are aservant of God. to God be all the glory.
Your God is the God of signs and wonders, miracle working God
Florence Mabiala
You’re a true man of God
The Lord has been preparing His servant Shepherd Bushiri for such a time as this. Thanks for sharing his biography. May God bless you
you are a man of God i need your prayers
Anjali Parmar
Papa Prophet Shepherd Bushiri – Moses of today !!!!!!!
Genesis 1:27;28
A real major1, i need your touch
I believe that with you my blessing is already unlocked before you say its done
Let God of you major1 bless me the way he bless you
Man of God I just want to touch your shoes
I want to walk inlight forever
Bless me
If i was to define you i would say you are a brother to JESUS
Edward kampota phiri
He is my role model and my father spiritually I believe in him i trust he
is sent by almighty God
Hendrick Uunona
Major, Major I Rastua you…
Major one I belive in i wish one day I cn come @Pta I hv read it story and I love u papa I really need it prophecy and I belive one day I will see my self in front of u I love u papa I love it God I need it God in my life
Since I hv it channel I pray to found my self @ECG I really need ur prophecy in Jesus name
I love the God u praying papa I really need to see my self in front of u I need it prophecy major since I hv ur channel I watch it everyday wt I need is to found my self @ECG I NEED IT PROPHECY PAPA U ARE TOO MUCH
U are too much papa before I was my believing in u papa but since I install it channel I develop lot of loving u papa u are too much I love the God u praying papa I’m in love with it God major 1 I need ur prophecy I need u more than I really need ur prophecy since I read it story like I cn feel the holy spirit papa I need the God u pray in my life I are the major 1 u are here to change our life I thanks God to bring u in south Africa papa u are so so much I pray that one of the day I will be there prophesy for me I really need ur prayer man of God I dnt know Pretoria but I know holy spirit will show me @ it church I need to come I need thet God who are in u to be in me in Jesus name
Joel Majoni
Major 1 you are a man of God and may I get what you received from God
your God gave me a new name papa ,i love you
I just love you Major 1 and I know 1 day it will be my day to be helped by you Papa, I really need you in my life.
Daudky Slindu
Glory be to God Almighty, for Shepherd Bushiri not being LOVED in his own Country, might not be strange, because it was started on “JESUS HIMSELF” His own home people did not believe, did not LOVE Him!
Once again you’ll never be LOVED in your own village if you’re doing good things, you end up receiving so many knick names, as it was at JESUS TIME!
Just imagine JESUS was hunted to be killed by the King in His own home for JESUS.
So for security and honor the Word of God, let Shepherd Bushiri show what God has given him to do to people of God in the World of no boundaries, in JESUS NAME.
Patrick Chinongwa
god bless u
I enjoyed reading about Prophet Bushiri’s biography am in South Africa and started attend the ECG church in Pretoria in 2017,and I love the church .
michael moagi
HE is the prophet of our generation i enjoy his teachings and his accuracy prophecy,i love the man.
papa you are bless and i know I’m bless with you too
To he honest Nuka you are not like other journalists or what-what, your brain is sharp I wish you could continue to write most of the positive things not like others that just write while under the marula tree without real facts. Anyway I am a spiritual Grand Son to Major 1. My Father is Apostle Mashalane
Chimwemwe Nuka
Hello Cedric
Thank you for finding the content on this blog useful and for your positive feedback.
It is encouraging words like yours that motivates me so much.
Thank you for commenting.
Anza Thathaisa
I have always been a fan and a believer. Lost faith a year ago because of my sisters death. This biography just uplifted my faith. Thank you for sharing it it man of God
Navaron Djoe
I’ve read everything.. Hmmmmm major 1 very beautiful, I want to come into your ministry just to come and see and hear for myself.. I LOVE THIS MY JESUS… GADO BUNG👍( suriname languages) means n english -GOD IS GOOD😇
Doris Nomase Hlalayedwa
To God be the glory for he has rescued the world with his true prophets….may God continue to bless you Major1! You are unique and you are called for accomplish what God have called you to!
my father my father. …major 1
I love you mayor 1, thanks god for sending u on this earth
Nosipho Mpangele
A true man of God, genuine prophet, really called by God, humble and Gifted, my father my father, major1, the fearless general, that’s what he is., love u mi father
I love you so much papa major 1
rivalani mabasa
rivalani mabasa
i love you daddy…..and happy birthday
Florence Antiaye
God bless you
Saw you in my dream
Guy Wolf
Is this real? What happened to the biblical teaching that it would be easier for a camel to enter through a needle’s eye than it would be for a rich man to enter the kingdom of GOD?
I suppose desperation will make people replace the word of GOD with the tricks they see men perform.
Coster Moyo
I luv u Man of God . You are the way u are
Coster Moyo
God bless u and the world shall believe that u are really a Messenger of God
Acts Phiri
That’s great man of God, may you pray for me so that all should be well
Orobosa Osunde Stanley
I Love the God of major 1
Tichie Takarinda
I love you major 1 a great prophet of our generation